Friday, September 29, 2006

Vacation Mode

I am totally useless today.

I'm posting on my lunch hour, which has actually been the busiest hour of my day so far. I'm about to do two hours on desk, then sign timesheets, and then I believe I may leave early. Or I may process some gift books, just because that's about all my brain can take right now.

I had to go by Verizon to get a charger for my mobile phone, as all I can locate are my two car chargers and I won't have a car in Florida. Let me just say that the good folks at Verizon could stand with a little customer service training.

"We don't have that charger."

"Um, okay... " *blink* "Does the Crossroads store have it?"

"Well, the closest store to here is Crossroads..."

*blink* "Okay... so do they have it?"

*tippity tappity* "Yep, they have it..."

*blink* "Okay... so..." *giving up* "nevermind, what's their number?"


"They're PHONE number... so I can call them?"

"Oh... it's 555-1212"




eaf said...

Well, it turns out that Crossroads doesn't have a charger either, so I may be without a cell phone. Crap.

Of course, if that's the worst thing that happens... I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

Radio Shack has it all, usually.

Bern said...

Post pictures of your trip when you come back.
Have a great time!