Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's Amazing What You Can Tune Out...

Kathryn sent this to me. She took it on a visit to their house. In the foreground, you see our daughter, clearly in a state of all out frenzy. In the background, that's Chris... completely engrossed in an Entertainment Weekly. So for those of you who are childless and wonder, "Can't they SHUT that kid UP?!" the answer is, "Yes, if we actually heard that kid... but we've long since learned to completely tune it out." Posted by Picasa


Chris said...

The tenth or eleventh time of her running back and forth down the length of the house while screaming at the top of her lungs will kind of get you to tune it out.

Jessica said...

I could not agree more.
My husband, who is not accustomed to the midday naptime tantrum is completely horrified at what state the house turns to at around 1 pm on Saturday...

It's actually quite funny for ME to watch the less experienced parent try to navigate the irrational nature of a toddler tantrum.