Friday, March 17, 2006

Waiting Sucks

Okay, I'm still posting. And I'm getting mildly irritated about that. I know that I'm not due until Tuesday, but people, I have no guts left. Literally. This kid takes up my whole abdomen. It's time for him to be his own abdomen, you know?

After such a crappy day yesterday, I woke up this morning feeling like I could climb Mt. Everest. And I NEVER feel like I can climb Mt. Everest. So Chris went off to work (he had been working from home, but since nothing seems to be happening, he decided it best to go in) and my mother-in-law and I ran a bajillion errands. The highlight was getting my car cleaned (inside and out) at the Scruffy Duck Car Wash. The car was filthy. Athena throws food and other bits of things and her drinks are sticky and my car has therefore turned into a sticky, cracker-crumb laden vehicle. Now it is sparkling clean and fun to be in AND lemony fresh.

We also went downtown so I could submit an application for the job at the library that's closer to my house. And we went to Babies R Us to pick up some last minute supplies. I went into work for about 1.5 hours to make up some time, and we ended our day at BJ's Warehouse store to stock up on bulk items. Needless to say, I'm feeling quite productive.

When I went into work, I talked to one of the ladies in my department who used to be a Navy nurse. She determined, based on how I felt yesterday and then today, that baby would come tomorrow. She has also had four boys, so if anyone should have a sense about these things, she should. We'll see if she's right. Personally, I'm getting beyond caring. If he can just give my stomach a little room so I can eat more than two bites without becoming uncomfortable, and if he could get his head away from my butt... I'd be fine with this whole pregnancy thing going several more days. Well, okay... hours.

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