Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh my GOD, it's GREEN!

Remember I told you that they provided the kids with green cookies at daycare yesterday after the little holiday pageant? Well, there was enough green food coloring in those bad boys to paint the turf in the Astrodome. And the weirdest part? The whole class was pooping green poop today. We're not talking "greenish." We're talking St. Patrick's Day green. You have to see it to believe it.


A Girl From Texas said...


Anonymous said...

Isnt it amazing how once you become a parent, the subject of poop is no longer taboo? Talking about poop and wondering about the healthy color and consistency is as comfortable as talking about the weather! BTW, have you fed Athena beets yet? LOL Smooch!

eaf said...

Eek! I've heard the horror stories of beets. No thanks! The green was bad enough. Red might cause me to actually faint.

And incidentally, if MY poop had been that color I probably would have talked about it. At some point, if poop is totally unpoop-like, it's fair conversation. Gross, but fair.

Chris said...

I remember a time when Elizabeth made me swear never to talk about bodily functions soon after we got married (not that I ever had the urge).

She called me to tell me about it - not even waiting for me to get home!

eaf said...

I said we couldn't talk about OUR bodily functions... and actually, I specified that one could never call the other into the bathroom to "take a look at THAT." I've heard of that happening in other households. *shudder* Just the description with no accompanying visual is okay. And I never mentioned our future offspring in that clause of the contract.