Sunday, February 05, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Since Friday, I have been unable to post successfully. I tried to post "Say Hello to my Little Friend" like a dozen times. It woud post, and then disappear. We soon discovered that one thing that made it disappear was comments.

So... if you have commented on that post and now don't see your comment, please feel free to repost your comment. I haven't seen any of the comments that were posted until I reposted this morning. This one seems to be sticking...

My apologies for the technical difficulties. Seems moving text from Word to Blogger is bad. Of course, moving text from Word to most things is bad... I should have known.

1 comment:

jen said...

did you post this on work time? kidding, kidding. just a heads-up that my blog is now functional, if not yet set in stone...